The Truly Financial corporate Visa card works like a debit card and is linked to your Checking account. However, unlike a debit card that carries no rewards, you earn up […]
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Visa Cards
Is the SmartSpend (previously SmartLink) card a Debit card or a credit card?
How do I use the corporate Visa card / SmartSpend account?
The Truly Financial corporate Visa card can be used with any of the merchants that accept Visa cards, online and in-store. When your Truly Financial account is set up, your […]
How does the corporate visa card benefit team members?
Uniquely designed for small businesses, the Truly Financial corporate Visa card helps teams collaborate efficiently. The Truly Financial Visa makes it easy for you to remove obstacles when your team […]
What are my card limits for purchases?
The Truly Financial corporate Visa card has flexible limits for spending. You can assign limits to each team member as needed – a per transaction limit as well as a […]
Are Truly Financial cards available on other networks?
At this point, corporate spending cards are available on the Visa network, accepted worldwide by millions of online merchants and stores. We are considering options of adding other networks like […]