Truly Financial is a complete banking service that provides customers with banking, Visa-powered expense cards, and payments. When a Truly Financial customer needs to send a payment to a supplier […]
Frequently Asked Questions
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What can we help you find?
Does Truly Financial integrate with Wise or other international payment services?
Does Truly work with Stripe?
Truly Financial can be used with all popular payment gateway solutions! You can receive all Stripe USD payments directly to your Truly Financial checking account. Selling in Europe or the […]
Does Truly work with Paypal?
Truly Financial can be used with all popular payment gateway solutions! You can receive all PayPal USD payments directly to your Truly Financial checking account. If you have customers paying […]
How can I link Truly Financial to Quickbooks Online?
Getting data from Truly Financial into Quickbooks is easy. Just download the Quickbooks CSV file from Truly Financial and upload it directly into Quickbooks. The Truly Financial Quickbooks export file […]
Does Truly Financial integrate with Wise or other international payment services?
Truly Financial is a complete banking and payments service that provides customers with banking, Visa-powered expense cards, and payments. When a Truly Financial customer needs to send a payment to […]